Seattle Children’s Research Institute
Aquatics Suite
Seattle, Washington

LAB/HEALTHCARE • 2,000 SF • 185 SQ M

The Aquatics Suite is a 2,000 sf wet lab research facility within the Seattle Children’s Research Institute Ninth and Stewart Building. Part of a phased renovation designed and executed by Davis Brody Bond, the suite contains an aquatic habitat system with 3,600 tanks of zebra fish, a procedure room for studying genetic development, and husbandry program to support the suite. Due to its adjacency to other research facilities within the building, including a barrier vivarium immediately below, an isolated, impervious basin was conceived to deter contamination of research material as well as unwanted exposure to surrounding public spaces. Central to the facility are the Aquatics systems— the primary system, which contains the majority of the zebra fish tanks; two stand alone racks for isolated experiments; and two stand alone racks for new population quarantine.

(Photography by Benjamin Benschneider)